Linkfests and Honor Roll for June 5, 2006

Third World County (Special thanks to David for pulling double duty in holding down the fort Tuesday and Wednesday.)
TMH Bacon Bits
Stuck on Stupid
Adam's Blog
Rhymes With Right
Blue Star Chronicles
Uncooperative Blogger
Mark My Words
Cigar Intelligence Agency
Planck's Constant
Rhymes with Right
Sed Vitae
Free Constitution
The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns
Freedom Watch
The Florida Masochist
Woman, Honor Thyself
7 Deadly Sins
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and you'll receive a spot on the sidebar through this week. Would you like to be honored next week? All you have to do is to link to Linkfest Haven and trackback the post of the day each time you host a Trackback Party.
Today's Trackback:
If you're running a linkfest all you have to do is send a trackback to us using the Haloscan trackback of the day to be listed. If your software won't allow you to send a trackback, you may use The Wizbang Standalone Pinger to do so. All I ask is that you link to the main Linkfest Haven ( page, NOT the post of the day. This way, if you're doing a linkfest that's acccepting trackbacks on multiple days, you just need to go ahead and send a trackback for each day. Users who click on your links weeks or even months later will be able to go and view all the most current linkfests. In addition, by using Linkfest Haven, you'll be able to find links to all of the other linkfests to include in your post.
For bloggers, Linkfest Haven will eventually mean that you can view all of the day's linkfests, go to them one by one and promote your work on as many blogs as possible. Do not trackback your post to this one, as this is only for posts that are hosting Linkfests.
For the first few weeks, I'll manually be hunting down Linkfests to include in the haven, but once the word spreads, this will be pretty well automated as hosts will trackback their own parties.
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